Salted and Dried Cod Loins skinless/boneless

Scientific name: Gadus Morhua/ Gadus Macrocephalus

Origin: Norway/China

Catching Area: FAO 27 / FA067

Presentation: Salted and dried

Skin & Bones: Skinless & Boneless

Brand: Bacalanor

Storage Condition: keep at +2 °C

Validity: 18 months

Packing: Trays 600grs - 2 kgs; 10kg bulk

Master Carton: 450 x 380 x 120mm 590 x 450 x 95mm

Nutrition facts: per 100g

Calories: 99kcal

Carbohydrate: 0g

Protein: 23g

Total Fat: 0.9g

Saturated Fat: 0g

Trans Fat: 0g

Dietary Fiber: 0g

Sodium: 7210mg


Norwegian Wet-Salted Fish


Salted Cod Migas